Cabinet of the Board of Directors

Our President, Vice Presidents, and Non-Executive Cabinet Members are elected by the Board of Directors, and serve terms spanning either the academic year (September through May) or the summer (June through August). Board meets about 8 to 10 times through the academic year or about every other week during the summer. During the academic year, the Cabinet, which is made up the elected executives, non-executive cabinet members, Board Administrative Assistant, the Executive Director, the Operations Manager, the Finance & Accounting Manager, and the Cooperative Experience Manager meet to prepare agenda items for Board, and to discuss high-level governance issues in the BSC.

A default image shown for individuals who have not provided an image of themselves


Cyn (he/they)

The President is the student leader and official representative of the BSC, and is responsible for ensuring that the decision-making processes of the Board and its Committees function smoothly and for promoting the general welfare of the corporation. The President ensures the flow of information to and acts as a resource for the Board, Staff Management, House Level Management, and Membership, and, as chair of the Cabinet, the President facilitates communication among the other Executives.


Vice President of Internal Affairs

Tavi (she/her)

The VPIA monitors and facilitates Board direction and oversight of policies and procedures related to all BSC professional, member, and workshift staff, central-level operations, and BSC program delivery. The VPIA is responsible for ensuring the effective functioning of the Internal Affairs Committee. The VPIA also chairs the Presidential Review Committee and Personnel Appeals Committee. Additionally, the VPIA is responsible for fulfilling the duties of the BSC President when they are unable to do so. The VPIA must also call elections to fill a vacancy in the Presidency if needed.

A default image shown for individuals who have not provided an image of themselves.

Vice President of Capital and Finance

Joshua (he/him)

The VPCF monitors financial and capital planning practices of the BSC and provides student input. The VPCF is responsible for ensuring the effective functioning of the Capital and Finance Committee, Audit Committee and Investment Management Committee.

Vice President of Experience and Training -- Hamid

Vice President of Experience and Training

Hamid (he/him)

The VPET programs BSC education and training for members and unit-level managers, oversees conduct policies, and supports a cooperative living and learning experience for BSC members. The VPET coordinates the Board or Membership designated General Membership Meeting. The VPET oversees the Board-initiated referenda processes. The VPET is responsible for ensuring the effective functioning of the Member Experience and Training Committee.

A default image shown for individuals who have not provided an image of themselves

Vice President of External Affairs

Cristian (they/she)

The VPEA represents the BSC’s interests to external stakeholders. The VPEA meets regularly with student leaders and staff members in determining BSC marketing needs, direction, and relations. The VPEA engages with the press, city officials, university officials, students, student associations, and the greater community. The VPEA attends University, City, and outside agencies meetings and events as necessary. The VPEA shall review and evaluate the BSC's image and perception by external stakeholders. In addition, they shall oversee the recruitment efforts to reach historically marginalized groups and take into consideration the demographics of the BSC.

A default image shown for individuals who have not provided an image of themselves

Non-Executive Cabinet Member

Maura (any)

Non-executive Cabinet (NECMs) members act as voting members at Cabinet meetings, coordinate a year-long dinner series, facilitate in the creation of supplemental documents and resources for Board, provide support for other Cabinet members as needed, and act as a resource to BSC members and Directors. NECMs are expected to make fair, judicious, and reasoned decisions in all voting matters. 

Non-Executive Cabinet Member  Maricruz

Non-Executive Cabinet Member

Maricruz (she/they)

Non-executive Cabinet (NECMs) members act as voting members at Cabinet meetings, coordinate a year-long dinner series, facilitate in the creation of supplemental documents and resources for Board, provide support for other Cabinet members as needed, and act as a resource to BSC members and Directors. NECMs are expected to make fair, judicious, and reasoned decisions in all voting matters.